rites of passage &
earth-centered design


Rites of Passage

Integrate life’s initiations and identity transitions through deep nature connection and ceremony. 

web design

Web design and branding inspired by earth’s insights and your life path.

Earth-Centered Strategy

Nature-based consulting services for individuals, small business owners, and organizations.

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upcoming programs

how do we allow ourselves to be unraveled

rooted and shaped

by the ceremony that is life. . .

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5/25 - 6/2/2024

How can I show up as a true leader and adult in this world?

Old ways of being as adults and leaders are no longer serving. Archaic societal structures and worn out paradigms are breaking down. We invite you to open to new ways of being both personally and professionally. 

This is 7-day rites of passage based in the captivating canyon lands of Lyons, Colorado USA. It includes ceremonial time in community as well as a 3-day wilderness solo.


9/28 - 10/11/2024

“What are my gifts and how can I show up more fully in the world?”

As the leaves change, a different way of life is tugging at your heart. A new story is begging to be told, and your gifts are longing to be shared with the world.

This is a 12-day rite of passage program in the gorgeous Rocky Mountains outside of Buena Vista Colorado, USA. It includes ceremonial time in community and a 4-day wilderness solo.

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11/5 - 11/11/2024

“How do I embody my vision and live my dream?”

Are you timid, terrified, and thrilled – perhaps all at the same time to move into your fullest life and expression? This is for folks that have a potent dream in their hearts they long to make real.

This is a 7-day program hosted in the enchanting desert of Tucson Arizona, USA. We will offer day walks, an overnight solo, and deepen into the process of incorporation.


deep listening to land & heart
one and the same
unlearning, re-membering, and re-weaving ancestral threads
kin and communal webs
we too belong to the earth
not inter-connection but
composting overripe systems
decomposing societal structures
nothing is whole
without shadow
and amidst it all
beauty and bird song
the call of the ceremony
that is life

sprouting seeds

client & project portfolio
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