
" we will not be reborn in neat places . . . ”
- Bayo Akomolafe

As a bi-lingual rite of passage guide, clinical psychotherapist, and creative director the roots of my work are direct relationship with land and kin, social change, and self-generated ceremony.

Collective responsibility and ancestral recovery has led me to explore my relationship with modernity/coloniality, and re-rooting the earth honoring traditions of my Scottish, Irish, English, and Eastern European heritage.

What makes me come alive is the trill of pygmy nuthatch, catching fox at my doorstep, feeling the pull of that first wave, and the inexplicable magic of serendipity.

How we allow ourselves to be shaped by the initiation that is life is what truly matters. 

What has unearthed for me, being worked by the pressure that is life, the force that turns sand into pearl is that . . . 

The Earth can hold the pure dissolution of the human heart.

We each have an innate calling – we just need to be quiet enough to listen.

Trust the grit, trust the ceremony and  . . .

Trust the magic.

current paths


/ / / PRIOR PATHS / / /

gathering seeds

learning & unlearning

* resume available upon request & better used as kindling

interbeing with earth, art & kin are the heart tracks i follow

finding my way through the realms of marketing and wilderness therapy. the constraint of healing and connection in the system.

disconnection in the system. dismembered and misremembered. whiteness, coloniality, capitalism, modernity. same faces different names. in vain. veins and rivers that when tended – mended become medicine.

ancestral aches and pains. paining and plaguing many. i find my way back through the land & ceremony.

kin as chickadee – dee – dee, fox, raven, rosemary, lemon balm. lands both familiar and foreign. 

the purity of joy. of truth. of beingness. 


unlearning and re-membering my – our – way home. 

welcome home.